New Adventures in Crystal’s Quest to Live a Life Well Lived.

I have missed writing in this online journal. Now that the school year is done and I’m on break, it’s time to get back to the real work of being a creative entity. Don’t get me wrong. I love my students but as of today, I’m still waiting for my paycheck which I should’ve received last week. Oh, well. I’m just tired of stressing out about it.

It’s time to jump on some of that “active happiness” I’m always talkin’ about. Time to take my own advice.

So, I’m ready…now that I’ve obsessively cleaned my home AND moved all the furniture around in the living room. For some reason, housework has become my therapeutic exercise. When I was a kid, I tried to get out of it. Now, it seems that I’m always finding a way to do it.

Ok, Cancer Woman with ADD. Get to creatin’!


It’s time to make dinner.

I guess I’ll try again later.



Super Gay Movie Review: Stud Life directed by @campbellx

Hello 40s (formerly the Kword)

STUDLIFE 7Have you ever seen a movie that you’d heard of and wanted to see but kinda gave up seeing it, only to run across it on Netflix and love it? Really? Me, too!
So it’s the Sunday night after Stonewall Pride. It’s still wet outside so, I am inside where any good girl should be. I’d spotted Stud Life a few days ago and brought it up to the missus. Well, she let me know, in no certain terms, that she is not in any way interested in watching this movie. OK.
Lucky for me she decided to hit the hay early. Time to get my flick!
Stud Life was really, really good. Campbell X had been praised when this movie hit the festival circuit and I now know why. The cast was phenomenal. T’Nia Miller, Kyle Treslove and Robyn Kerr have amazing chemistry and carry the story, beautifully, from…

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Boiling Hot Water All Around…and all want is a SnoCone.

The thing about being a Cancer is this…stop calling us moody when you create the mood. Everyone always assumes that we can’t get a grip on our emotions or that we just create moods, mostly bitterness and anger, out of thin air. Who stops to think, “Oh…maybe she has an attitude because I did something off putting? or “Maybe if I pay attention and learn to listen, not just hear, I’ll learn something”. That’s what we do…to no end. We obsess about how we may have hurt someone, do you?

Nope. It’s just so easy to blame the Cancer. Everyone knows we’re messed up, right?

Well, here’s what I propose.

Kiss my ass.