Day Two: One for Me, One for Another



What I know about energy is that is an exchange. Humans exchange energy in both conscious and unconscious ways. The saying, “You Get What You Give” is simple, non-religious way to say, “You Reap What You Sow”.  By doing for others, we create a path for a positive energy flow. It makes me feel good to see someone else happy. When I’m happy, the energy of happiness gives me the will to proceed with my plans to create a new plan for myself. Sharing happiness is a powerful cure for depression and anxiety.

science energy exchange

My new journey includes something I like to call, “One for Me and One for Another”. Each day I do something good for someone else as well as something good for myself. For example, yesterday I was so tired from moving things out of my storage space. I mean, so tired that I could barely stand; however, I drove my truck down to a good friend’s house to take her some things she could use.


While there, I was able to give her a ride to get groceries because she doesn’t drive. Doing this small favor for her made me feel like a helpful and true friend, plus she gave me money for gas. I needed that gas money and her giving it to me alleviated some money stress for me. This made me happy. I came home and started writing about my journey.

See? That positive exchange of energy was good for both of us. We were able to help each other by “reaping” what we’d “sown”.

Today, I will initiate another positive energy exchange. I am sure that doing so will lead me to gather more positive energy into myself. That’s a good first step.

Social Networking?

     I know how  I view Facebook. To me, it should  be a meeting of the minds…a think tank. Although there are some traces of what could be interpreted as just that, it’s disappointing to know that the minds that are thinking this stuff in the tank are so…limited.

     Why do we call what most of us do on the internet Social Networking? I mean, we do network but should we really? Should cyber socializing replace the tangibility of feeling someone out? Is it better to have a hunch before learning too much of someone’s propaganda?

     So many times I’ve met people online whose ‘social network’ persona was the antithesis of what they were in Real Time. It disappointed me because I realized I’d forgotten that the digital world is just a game. It’s only a game of ‘let’s pretend’ inside a larger game of ‘this is reality as you know it’. So,I’ve observed that it’s time for me to come out of the rabbit hole and manifest some miracles in my reality, what ever that may be.

     Going off the grid can be quite exhilirating. Whenever I’ve set aside a day to just create and unplug from all of the drama in the digital world, I’ve had the most amazing experiences. Yesterday, I used a tarot deck for the first time. That was a lot for me. I am conquering my fear of the unknown. If I hadn’t pulled myself into the real world of ME, I wouldn’t have tapped into that other world of mystery. Very potent stuff for a recovering self derision specialist.

     So, I’ve decided to dedicate my Wednesdays to being digital distraction free. No internet radio, no computer time period. Just me, a pen and a pad…maybe some music on a small hand held, we’ll see. Definitely an escape from technology. My day to tune in to something higher than myself for answers.

And So It Is.Image

I want to take you to my hood, introduce you to my peeps.

I had fresh baked pita, straight out of the oven, for the first time today. So delicious! The halal market up the street from my house built a brick oven inside and ever since I’ve been in love.

I love that my hood is so international. There’s a place called The Oriental Bakery on one corner that sells delicious yummy cakes and treats. There’s a ton of Jamaican and Haitian restaurants. A little further up there’s a Trini spot that serves fresh roti…que lastima! I may have to detox again soon. lol.

I love that I can  have Cuban, Chinese, Moroccan, Thai, Vietnamese, Mexican, Puerto Rican and Japanese anytime of the week without driving across town. I love that today it was 97degrees when I went outside and there’s an Italian Ice stand that makes fresh stuff daily…just a hop, skip and a jump down the road. It’s urban nirvana…for foodies.

Yum! ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

She Crab Soup

I was in the quaqmire of emotion this morning.  Then I spotted an Abraham Hicks video that a friend posted on Facebook. I’d heard of Abraham Hicks but never read or heard anything for myself. Imagine my surprise when a woman’s voice began speaking to me.

The video talked about reality and our need to shift focus in order to attract what we want. It resonated with me. I am now a fan.

I retract my statements from earlier this morning. My focus is shifted and I am raising my vibration.

Stepping forward into my destiny. Seeing isn’t always believing. Thank You Abraham Hicks.

I’ve been hacked! …and it’s ok.

My Facebook account was hacked a couple of days ago.  I’m kind of a Facebook junkie so it could’ve been a big deal for me. But…a few days away from Facebook has actually been sorta liberating.

A couple of things that I’d put off  like creating a vision board and playing Monopoly with my eight year old, I started over the weekend. I’ve never made a vision board. It’s been fun so far! I have played Monopoly with The Little Round Head Boy and he always wins. lol. I don’t let him win either! He’s what we like to call an ‘avid investor’. Love that kid. Love his brother too.

I went to dinner with some friends last night. That was sooo much more fun than chatting online and posting  pics of things I’d LIKE to do. We ended up doing some light bar hopping. So in essence, I got a little exercise too. In my world, dancing and walking in heels counts as exercise. It does. Really.

So, I haven’t been networking for my business. I haven’t been making witty remarks and engaging my peers in intellectual debates. I have been being active in my real time life. It’s felt good.

Maybe my account will be fixed by tomorrow. Hopefully. I have my fingers crossed. But, if it isn’t, I’m sure I’ll find something to do with my time. 

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Something I like to listen to while working or meditating.

Solfeggio Master Frequency

I am my own project. Meaning that as I grow in my spiritual journey, my mundane experiences are exhibiting more maturity. This concept really only resonates with us free thinkers but…I feel that it’s true.

Since my sex fast a few months ago, many of the sources of entertainment I sought just don’t interest me anymore. That fast set me on a journey of exploration which lead me to healing frequencies.

I tried one about three months ago. I’d had a really irritating headache for several hours but didn’t want to take more OTC drugs. I was trolling the internet for natural remedies to headaches when a bunch of Youtube videos for headache healing frequencies popped up. I picked one…and have been in love with binaurals ever since.

Ouch! That Hurt!

My new spirit work must’ve required a small blood sacrifice today. I slammed my finger in the door of my truck. I slammed the door in my truck after arguing all morning with a mad woman. We used to be friends.

Anyway after all of that, I decided to go to the beach and attempt sungazing. I also figured that since I’d be at the beach and that was near Whole Foods and Barnes & Noble’s, some multitasking could get done. Well…I slammed my finger in the door of my truck, Blood was everywhere. I ran back into the house    where my family took care of me.

Maybe part of the lesson was that my family is and will always be there for me, why seek outside for approval and companionship? Could be. But, I think the higher lesson is to maintain my vibration and stop lowering it to fit the situation. I also feel that I needed that painful reminder to pay attention and not take my safety for granted. I lost focus on my real goal, which is enlightenment, and sank below my evolution.

But, isn’t that what soul work does? Takes us out of our comfort zone. Shakes us up. Makes us aware of ourselves in the context of a new vantage point? I feel that is so. It must be. There’s no room for complacency in evolution.

…and that’s my interpretation of why I slammed my finger in the door this morning.Image